They're catching up with themselves -- as the young women involved have gone running, pushing forward, multi-tasking incredible things, but leaving behind the most important part: Advertising and promotions.

For several years now the Miss America program promotes titleholders as an "it girl," trying to push a younger, fresher view.
Of course, all of us competing understood it, because we lived it. But, still, the stigma remained of the 90s pageant queens with leftover-80s bangs, terrible power suits in ridiculously bright colors with an awkward sheen (to make you "stand out"-- amirite ladies?), and darkened contoured cheekbones.
Alas, the above ad, featuring Miss America Laura Kaeppeler of Wisconsin (second from the right) hit the nail on the head. Wouldn't you want to just kick your shoes off and frolic with them?
Anyone of them are who teens should want to be. Sorry Lady Gaga, but average girls don't wear costumes. Sorry Niki Minaj, you may be the sweetest lady-rapper out there but the average girl is not going to bark lyrics or have butt implants.
The Miss America Program seeks titleholders who are fresh, real, touchable, confident, stylish, natural and powerful woman, and finally it shows.
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